शनिवार, 19 नवंबर 2011

banking and financial awareness

1). Which of the following foreign agency will assist the municipal agencies to improve quality of municipal schools through its school excellence program ?

2). Which of the following has got RBI nod to issue
 prepaid card to its clients
   (A) LIC  (B) SIDBI  (C) NABARD  (D) GIC

3). In deposit account `KYC` (Know Your customer) has been implemented in 2002 as per directicve of 
   (A) SEBI    (B) RBI    (C) IBA      (D) IRDA

4). Which of the following intrest rate indicates towards long run viewpoint of RBI
  (A) Repo Rate  (B) CRR   (C) Bank Rate   (D) Reserve Repo Rate

5). What is cross border exchange
  (A) Foreign exchange trade in India  (B) Hawala trading of Indian rupee
  (C) Illegal transfer of Indian rupee   (D) None of the above

6). As per RBI directions, the places having population above 2000,have to be provided banking facilities positively be the end of 
(A) March 2011   (B) March 2012   (C) March 2013  (D) March 2015

7). Mega food parks scheme was initiated by the Government of India with the objective:
   (A) To ensure better prices products to farmers   (B) To increase productivity of agriculture crops
   (C) To Control food prices   (D) None of the above

8). Which of the following organization provides guarantee to exporters ?
    (A) EXIM Bank  (B) Export Loan Guarantee Corporation  (C) RBI   (D) Commerce Ministry

9). The term IRR used in banking/financial sectors to
   (A) Internal Rate of Return  (B) Internal Revaluation Reserve  (C) Investment Reserve Ratio
   (D) Internal Risk Return

10). Which of the following regulates mutual funds 
     (A) Association of Mutual Funds of India  (B) SEBI    (C) RBI    (D) IRDA

11). The share percentage of sponsor bank in the equity of Regional Rural bank is
      (A) 25 %  (B) 33 %  (C) 49 %  (D) 51 %

12). "Base Rate " is a banking term.The base term is determined by 
      (A) RBI  (B) Commercial Bank  (C) Finance Ministry  (D) Import Substitution

13). DEPB Scheme which ended in September 2011 was related with
     (A) Foreign Direct Investment  (B) Foreign Institutional Investment
     (C) Export Promotion      (D) Import Substitution

14). Recently Ministry of commerce have introduced a new "Niryat Bandhu" scheme for mentoring first generation Entrepreneurs?Who among the following are the "Niryat Bandhus" ?
     (A) Entrepreneurs   (B) Officers   (C) Agents  (D) Export Assistants

15). Who among the Following is the current Managing Director of International Monetary Fund (IMF) ?
       (A) Robert Zoellick  (B) Christina Lagarde  (C) Pascal Lamy   (D) Helen clark

16). RBI on 16th September 2011 raised the Repo rate by 20 basis points which took the repo rate to -
      (A) 8.00 %  (B) 8.25 %  (C) 8.50 %  (D) 8.75 %

17). The rate at which RBI gives short term loan to commercial banks is called
     (A) Repo Rate  (B) Reserve Repo Rate  (C) Bank Rate  (D) Cash Reserve Rate

18). The Approach paper of 12th 5 year plan (2012-2017) proposes country`s average growth rate at
      (A) 8.0%  (B) 8.5% (C) 9.0% (D) 9.5%

19). UNCTAD had forecasted India`s growth in 2011 at 8.6 % a year ago now UNCTAD has revised this growth rate at
     (A) 8.0%  (B) 8.1%  (C) 8.2%  (D) 8.3%

20). At the end of March 2011,India`s external debt stock stood at
    (A) US $ 298.6 billion (B) US $ 300.9 billion (C) US $ 305.9 billion (D) US $ 311.6 billion

21). As on end march 2011,the percentage of short term debt to total debt stands at
   (A) 21.2 %  (B) 20.0 % (C) 19.3 %  (D) 18.9 %

22). Which of the following committee has proposed to abolish the distinction between the Plan and Non-Plan expenditure
  (A) Suresh Tendulkar Committee (B) Rangarajan Committee (C) Rakesh Mohan Committee
   (D) Usha Thorat committee

23). During April-July 2011 period, the core sector registered ............ growth against 6.5 growth is the same period last year
  (A) 5.6 %  (B) 5.7 %  (C) 5.8 %  (D) 6.0 %

24). NTPC has decided to set up its first overseas power plant in
   (A) Mauritius (B) Sri Lanka (C) Indonesia (D) Kenya

25). During 2011,total farm exports of India stood at $ 21903 miilion which is ........ of total ountry`s export
   (A) 8.68 %    (B) 9.32 %   (C) 9.96 %   (D) 10.03 %

26). On which one of the following "Head of the Expenses", the expenses of the Govt. of India are highest ?
  (A) Food Subsidy  (B) Oil Subsidy  (C) Fertilizer Subsidy   (D) POL Subsidy

27). Under provisions of which one of the following acts the RBI issues directives to banks of India
    (A) RBI Act   (B) RBI Regulation Act  (C) Essential Commodity Act   (D) RBI and Banking Regulation Act

28. Consider the following:
   1. Repo Rate   2. Reverse Repo Rate  3. Cash Reserve Ratio   4. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
  Which among the above are called Statutory Pre-emptions?
  (A) 1 & 2  (B) 2 & 3  (C) 3 & 4  (D) 1 & 4

29). Which among the following body regulates Mutual Funds in India?

30). Which among the following was the main objective of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003?
(A) Achieve Fiscal Surplus  (B) Eliminate Revenue deficit  (C) Eliminate Fiscal Deficit  (D) Stop Money Laundering

1 टिप्पणी:

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