बुधवार, 2 नवंबर 2011

Top 10 Corner6

Top 10 Gold Producing Countries
South Africa
South Africa is the top gold producing country .It produced 272,128 golds.It is been the source for large world’s gold supply.50% of all gold ever produced have come from South Africa.It’s production in 1970 counted for 79% of the world supply
China produced 247,200.It’s one of the earliest cultures begin making of jewellery in Asia.They were the chinese around 500 years ago.Their designs were very religion-oriented and contained.The traditions of the country is still continues till now
It’s gold production begun in 1890 in Western Australia.It’s first point in 1903 which produced 50 tonnes of gold anually.In 1920 Western Australia was only state in Australia to produced gols.it produced 247,000.

United states
It has taken place continuously since gold was discover in Reed Farm in 1799.The first time gold was introduced in Virginia in 1782.The gold production was increased in United States in the year of 1980.Because of high gold prices.Its produced 242,000 golds.

Rio Huaypetue mine is largest gold mine in Peru.The Cusco region and near to the border with Madre de Dios and Puno.It is been estimated at point of production in 1998.Some of te world annual gold production have come from Huaypetue.It produced 203,268.

IT was having difficult time in expanding in production of gold.It was because reserves at existing enterprise were being reduce and gold mining companies were suffering greater difficulties in obtaining licenses to mine new deposits.Russia produced159,340 golds
In Canada low price of gold and the reduction of reserves is responsible for the closed of nine mining operations.Overall the past two years in the end of 2002 there were 30 mines left in Canada.Canada produced 104,198.

The output for 2010 is increased on the 49.5 tomes.Mali will have to produced by the end of 2009 .According to Waly Diawara the head of the mines and geology department in Mali’s ministry of mines.Althrough Mali’s produced 85,411 golds.

It is producing 84,000 gold .Uzbekistan is the ninth largest gold producer.Gold primary metal produced in Uzbekistan.Most of its reserved are located in Central Kyzyl-Kum .The mine produces enough gold to make it world’s seventh largest gold produced.

Ghana’s gold production greater 1 million fine ounces in 1987 up to 327,000.In early 1990 Ghana largest gold produce.It’s overall share of the domestic gold market was decline from 80% to 60% as other operators industry.The gold production in Ghana is 66,205.

Top 10 Silver Producing Countries
In the last 500 years, Mexico silver industry provided one-third of the world In Mexico, the production of silver is 128.6 million ounces. It has two of the top silver miners, industries Penoles and Grupo which together produce 66% silver. It is the pillar of world production of silver.

Mexico and Peru are the two pillars of silver production in the world. It produces 116.1 million ounces silver in Peru. In silver output, companies were more active and produce more than the last year. It exports about $479 million silver compared with $281 million in 2005.

The production of silver in china is 99.2 million ounces. It supplies 29,000 tons silver to the world. The domestic price of China’s silver market is higher than international market price. The demand of silver in china is high.

Its production is 59.9 million ounces. It has the largest share of the world’s economic silver resources. Australia’s silver production ranks after Mexico, Peru and the china. About 25% its mine output is refined to silver metal and sent to Japan.

The productions of silver in Bolivia and in Chile are same. It also produces 41.0 million of ounces silver. It is very old silver production country and remains among the fifth number
The production of silver in Bolivia is 41.0 million. San Cristobal is the top silver mine in Bolivia producing some 620,000 tons of the silver. San Cristobal mine is the third largest producers in the world.

United state
The United state is the major producers of the production silver in the world. In United State, silver produce 1,200 metric tons silver. 35% of the silver it used. The 65% is imported from Mexico, Canada, Peru and Chile.

The production of silver is 37.7 million in Poland. The production of silver increases in 2011 compared with their average production from 1998 to 2006 is 14.4%. The situation of Poland is close because a majority of the production is handled by a single mine.

It produces 36.8 million of ounces silver. Russia‘s biggest silver producing regions are the Krasnoyarsk territory, Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk region, Orenburg region Primorye territory. Over the past Russia was produce 60% silver. Now it produce 90% silver.

Argentina has jumped 55% in silver output in 2009 to 15.5% million ounces over the previous year. It produces 20.6 million of ounces silver. Only one mine at this time is in production and producing revenues. The pirquitas mine in Argentina
Top 10 Oil Producing Countries
The single largest oil producing country in the world is Russia, with a production of 10,124,000 barrels per day. It shares 12% oil of the world. It has about 60 billion barrels of proven oil reserves or 5% of the world oil reserves.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is the second largest oil producers. It produces oil less than the Russia. The production of Saudi Arabia is 10,121 million barrels oil per day. It has one-fifth of the world’s proven oil reserves. It is the world’s largest oil exporter.

United states
It is the third largest oil producing country and produce large amount of oil in the world. It produces 9.6 million barrel oil per day. It shares about 11% oil of the world. it has 21 billion barrel proven oil reserves.

It produces about 4.27 million oil barrels per day. It supplies 5%of the world. It has about 20.3 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. It is the fifth biggest supplier of oil to the US. Iran supplies 11% of china oil imports.

Iran plays a major role in the world oil market because its quality is very good. It produces about 4, 172, 000 bbl and 4.25 million barrels of oil per day. It supplies 4.95% oil to the world
It is the major industry in the economy of North America. Its production is 3,289,000 barrels per day. It supplies about 3.90% oil of the world. It is the single largest source of oil imports into the United States.

It supplies three leading foreign countries to the United States, along with Canada and Saudi Arabia. Its production is 3,001,000 oil of the world. It shares about 3.56% oil to the world
United Arab Emirates
It produces about 2,798,000 oil of the world and exports 3.32% oil of the world. Their oil reserves are ranked as the sixth largest country in the world and possess one of the most developed economies in west Asia.

It produces 2,572,000 barrel oil the world. It shares about 3.05% oil to the world. It has 8.5 billion of proved oil reserves. In Brazil, Tupi oil field is a large oil field.

It produces less than Brazil. The production of oil of Kuwait is 2,494,000. It exports 2.96% oil to the world. It has 104 billion barrel proven oil reserves. Kuwait’s oil reserves are the fourth largest in the world. It is on seventh no. in export.

Top 10 Intelligence Agencies
Name of Agency
ISI (Inter Service Intelligence)
This was formed in 1948 and their headquarters are in Islamabad, Pakistan. ISI has the lengthiest record of success, After the Indo-Pakistan war of 1947 this was formed in 1948. ISI have won more GOLD MEDALS than any other intelligence agency and Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, PA Director General is leading this intelligence agency.
They have the highest number of agents all over the world, almost 10,000, ISI is one of the strongest intelligence agencies of the world. Pakistan is really proud of it!

CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)
United States
This was formed in 18th September, 1947 and their employees are around 20,000. This agency is responsible for gathering data from the other countries and national security.  They are also the advisors of the policy makers.
MI6 (Military Intelligence)
United Kingdom
This was formed in 1909 and their headquarters are in Vauxhall Cross, London. These are the british equivalent to the CIA and they are really effective
This was formed in 3rd April, 1995 and their employees are around 350,000. These are involved in the counter intelligence, internal and border security, counter terrorism and surveillance. Their headquarters are in Lubyanka Square, Downtown Moscow. All the intelligence agencies including KGB and NKVD work under the instructions of FSB.

This was formed on 2nd April, 1982. They work under the direction os French ministry of defense, they provide intelligence and national security to the country.

BND (Bundes Nachrichten Dienst)
This was formed on 1st April, 1956 and their employees are around 6,050. The BND acts as the early warning system to alert the German government. They depend highly on wiretapping and electronic surveillance f international communications.

This was formed on 13th December, 1949 as the Central Institute for Coordination. The Mossad  is responsible for intelligence collection and covert operations. Its director directly reports to the head of the state.

RAW (Research & Analysis Wing)
This was formed in 21 September, 1968. Their headquarters are in New Delhi, India. It was formed after the two major wars in India, first the Sino-India war in 1962 and then the Pakistan-India war in 1965. Its responsibility is the collection of external intelligence, counter terrorism and covert operations.

ASIS  (Australian Secret Intelligence Service)
This agency was formed on 13th May,1952. Their annual budget is $162.5m AUD(2007). This agency is the Australian government intelligence agency which is responsible for collecting foreign intelligence. Its main purpose is the protection of country’s political and economic interests.

It was created in 1984, it is made on the same pattern of CIA and MI6, which are civil agencies but connected to the military and police.

Top 10 Most Educated Countries
Education in Canada is compulsory up to the age of 16 in every province, except for Ontario and New Brunswick, where the compulsory age is 18. As the result 100% man and woman are educated.

United states
Child education is compulsory in United States. The ages for compulsory education vary by state. It begins from age’s five to eight and ends from 14 to 18. The result is that every child is educated.

Educations are compulsory at the elementary and lower secondary level in Japan. Japan’s education played a central part in Japan’s recovery. In Japan, children from under age one to five years old are taken to the public and private day care centers for education
In Sweden, education is starting in the year of seven up until the end of the spring term of the calendar year of the year 16. Women are more educated than men. 26% of women are educated and 19% men are educated. Only Canada, United States and Japan have higher levels of tertiary degree holders.

Education is compulsory for nine years in Finland. It starts the year the pupil turns seven and ends at the age of 15 or 16. There are 20 universities and 30 polytechnics in the country.

Education in Denmark is compulsory for children below 15 or 16. Government-funded education is free of charge and open to all. Literacy in Denmark is approximately 99% for both men and women.
In Australia, education is compulsory between the ages of six and fifteen to seventeen. The Programmer for international student assessment evaluation ranked the Australian education system as 6th for reading, 8th for science and 13th for mathematics
Education in Norway is compulsory for all children aged 6 to 16. The Norwegian school system can be divided into three parts Elementary school, lower secondary school and upper secondary school.

New Zealand
Education’s free and compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16. It follows three-tier model that includes primary, secondary and tertiary education.

South Korea
In South Korea, education is compulsory one to thirteen year. Student learn subjects including but not limited to, Korean, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, English and music.

Top 10 Airlines of World 
Singapore Airlines
It is the flag carrier of Singapore and is currently the world’s largest airline. Singapore Airlines operates trans-Pacific flights, including the world’s two longest non-stop commercial flights from Singapore to Newark and Los Angeles on the Airbus A340-500 and also encompasses Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and “Kangaroo Route” markets. It is the world’s second largest airline as per the International Air Transport Association with a market capitalization worth of USD14 billion. Silkair is its subsidiary which operates at regional level. It is worth mentioning here that Singapore Airlines (SIA) has a 49% shareholding in Virgin Atlantic and also holds a stake in Tiger Airways, thus marking his presence in the low-cost carrier sector.
Cathay Pacific
It is the flag carrier of Hong Kong and its main office and headquarters are located at Hong Kong International Airport. An American Roy C. Farrell and Australian Sydney H. de Kantzow founded this airline on 24th September, 1946 and in 2010, Cathay Pacific became the world’s largest international cargo airline. It operates passenger and cargo services to 114 destinations in 36 countries worldwide, including codeshares and joint ventures, with a fleet of 132 wide-body aircraft, comprising of Airbus A330s and A340s, Boeing 747s and 777s. Cathay Pacific has been ranked 5-star airline by Skytrax.
Nicknamed “The Flying Kangaroo”, its name was originally “QANTAS”, an acronym for “Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services”. This airline is based in Sydney and is the world’s second oldest airline. Its headquarters are located in the Qantas Centre in the Mascot suburb of the City of Botany Bay, Sydney, New South Wales.
Thai Airways
It is the national flag carrier as well as the largest airline of Thailand. It’s headquarters are located in Chatuchak District, Bangkok,[2][3] and operates out of Suvarnabhumi Airport. It operates one of the longest non-stop commercial flights of Boeing 777-300 from Bangkok to Athens, and the longest non-stop commercial flight of Boeing 777-200 from Bangkok to Brisbane. It possesses a very fine first class lounge on the basis of which it was being awarded World’s Best First Class Lounge by Skytrax in 2009.
Asiana Airlines
It was previously called Seoul Airlines and is a South-Korean airline. The other major airline of South-Korea is Korean Air. It’s headquarter is in Asiana Town in Osoe-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul. It is ranked the best airline in Northern Asia of 2010 and also a member of Star Alliance offering 516 daily departures throughout Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania, operating 14 domestic and 85 international passenger routes and 20 cargo routes. Asiana won the Airline of the Year Award by Skytrax for 2010 and is also a 5-star ranked airline by the Skytrax.
Asiana Airlines
It is the Government-owned flag carrier of Malaysia. It’s headquarter is in the grounds of Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, Selangor. It has two airline subsidiaries; Firefly and MASwings. Malaysia Airlines has created a strong brand name in the aviation industry and is one of the seven airlines to be ranked as a 5-star airline by Skytrax, an independent research consultancy firm. It operates flights from its home base, Kuala Lumpur International Airport, and its eastern hub in Kota Kinabalu.
Qatar Airlines
It’s headquarter is in Qatar Airways Tower, Doha and is the flag carrier of Qatar. It has got one of the youngest fleet in the world with an average of less than 4.1 years and is one of only seven airlines awarded 5-star rating by Skytrax along with Cathay Pacific, Asiana Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Hainan Airlines, and Kingfisher Airlines. Qatar Airways has got a fleet of 96 aircraft and employs more than 19,000 people, out of which 6,000 work in the airline’s subsidiaries.
Air New Zealand
As the name suggests, it is the national airline and flag carrier of New Zealand. It operates passenger flights to 26 domestic destinations and 24 international destinations in 15 countries across Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania. Air New Zealand has got the honor to be the only airline to circumnavigate the world. It is the member of the Star Alliance and has got a fleet consisting of Boeing 747, Boeing 767, Boeing 777 and Airbus A320 aircraft. Air New Zealand originated in 1940 as Tasman Empire Airways Limited (TEAL), a flying boat company which operated trans-Tasman flights between New Zealand and Australia.
Fly Emirates
It is the national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates and it the largest airline in the middle-east operating over 2400 passenger flights per week. The three out of the world’s ten longest non-stop commercial flights are operated by this airline; Dubai to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Houston. It is the subsidiary of The Emirates Group and is one of only nine airlines to operate an all-wide-body aircraft fleet.
Etihad Airways
It was established in the year 2003 and started operations from November that year. It is a national airline of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates with operations of more than 1000 flights per week to 66 destinations in 44 countries. It has got a fleet of 57 aircraft. Etihad, in the year 2010, carries 7.1 million passengers as compared with 340,000 in its first full year operation of 2004. It is a dramatic improvement for an airline company. It also earns a major part of its revenue from cargo operations.
Top 10 richest Cities of India
Per-Capita Annual Income in Rs.
Chandigarh (UT)
26, 710
24, 141
23, 772
Greater Mumbai
23, 109
22, 817
22, 178
21, 885
Himachal Pradesh
21, 348
21, 254

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