बुधवार, 9 नवंबर 2011

Interesting Facts:-

Nuclear weapon is hanging over the world population like a Damocles sword and whole of the world is in danger. Although, using nuclear technology man has also produced electricity and accomplished numerous human welfare tasks but its threat cannot be ignored at the same time. Recently, a decade long war of USA and Iraq was based on an allegation that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and USA intended to neutralize their nuclear facilities. It all came to a naught when they found nothing there but just imagine the magnitude of devastation word “nuclear weapon” lead to. Anyways, here I am going to tell you 10 Interesting Facts About The Nuclear Weapons

 1.  Since the advent of Nuclear weapon, humans are among the endangered species list. There are around 26,000 nuclear warheads in the world, enough to destroy civilization many times.
 2. Two states possess more than 95% of all nuclear weapons and those two states are USA and Russia.
 3. Currently, there are nine countries with nuclear weapons namely; US, Russia, UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea.
 4. The total number of nuclear missiles built in USA since 1951 up till now are 67,500 (U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project).
 5. The total number of nuclear bombers built in USAA since 1945 up till now are 4680. (U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project).
  6. It is very horrifying to know that there are up to 2,000,000 kilograms of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) in global stockpiles. Only 15-24 kg of HEU is used to make a nuclear weapon. Just imagine the magnitude of nuclear warhead already stockpiled in the world.
  7. The total area which is occupied by the USA nuclear bases and facilities is 15,654 square miles.
  8. The 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty, approved by nearly every country in the world, demands all the nuclear weapon states to engage themselves in good faith negotiations for nuclear disarmament.
  9. The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) between the US and Russia, a treaty which required both the countries to reduce their r deployed strategic warheads to between 1,700 and 2,200 by December 31, 2012, was terminated on the following day and allowing each country to redeploy as many nuclear warheads as possible. They couldn’t even wait for a day to cancel this treaty and again involve themselves into this horrendous race of deploying the nuclear warheads.
 10. We can assess the devastating effect of the nuclear weapon from the fact that Money and non-monetary compensation paid by the United States to Marshallese Islanders since 1956 to make for the damages from nuclear testing is at least $759,000,000.

Worth Knowing Facts About Steel:-

Well everybody knows what steel is because it is majorly used in construction, cars, weapons, railway lines, daily household items, kitchen wares, for electricity supply purpose and of-course in the beer tin can. Steel mostly consists of iron as a major component while it is alloyed using 0.2 – 2.1% of carbon depending on the type of steel whereas manganese, chromium, vanadium, and tungsten are also used as alloy in steel. Mostly steel we use for households are always recycled, Do you know 1.3 Billion ton of steel is produced annually worldwide? well i am writing this post to tell you 10 fun facts about steel which you probably don’t know

1.        More than 69% of world steel is recycled in North America which makes total of 80 million tons of steel and every ton of recycled steel need 2500 pounds of iron ore, 1500 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone
2.       Steel doesn’t loose its strength by recycling repeatedly, This way every year it saves equivalent energy to power 18 million households and that’s why whenever you buy a steel it is always a recycled steel.
3.       Recycling of steel produces too much air and water pollution that’s why 95% of water in North America is now recycled, After 1970 US has invested over $17 million to reduce the air and water pollution due to steel plants.
4.       More than $10 Billion has been invested in this industry to produce better quality new steel.
5.       In 2010 more than 16 million of cars have been recycled and you know that is enough to produce 15 million new cars?
6.       Complete car frame is made up of steel and the first steel made automobile was introduced in 1918.
7.       Use of steel in automobiles have also reduced the consumption of fuel because steel designs have reduced the car weights dramatically.
8.       You know it takes almost 40 trees to build a wood house where as steel recycled from 4 cars is enough to make a 2000 sq . ft house ?
9.       If you use steel in your house for roofs and doors then you will get many advantages as compared to asphalt roofs, Steel roofs are 100 % recycle able, They protect you in a better way from nature, they are fire proof and last more than 50 years while asphalt roofs last 17 years.
10.    83000 tons of steel was required to build golden gate bridge and now if you want to make a similar bridge only half of the steel would be required because technology had increase the steel strength, in 1883 they started steel to build up skyscrapers and now it is the most common construction material.

10 Interesting Facts About Investment Banking:-
What actually is investment banking?. It is financial institution which helps individuals, companies and governments to raise capital by underwriting or acting as the client’s agent in the issuance of securities. After a brief introduction, let us move on to the  10 Interesting Facts About Investment Banking .

1. Investment bank can help companies who are currently involved in some kind of merger or acquisition and can provide services as market making, trading of derivatives, fixed income instruments, foreign exchange, commodities, and equity securities.2. The thing which distinguishes an investment bank from retail and commercial banks is that investment bank does not accept deposits.3. We can draw a boundary line between the private and public function of an investment bank,   as a result of which an investment bank can be said to be divided into two separate functions. There is no crossing of information between the private and public function.4. In United States, the person who provides services regarding investment banking must be a licensed broker-dealer and subject to Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regulation.
 5. There are two major lines of business in investment banking; trading securities for cash or for other securities, for example facilitating transactions, market-making, or the promotion of securities for example underwriting, research, etc. 6. Investment banks deal with both the corporation issuing securities and on the other hand investors buying securities.
 7. In 2007, the revenue earned by global investment banking activities reached USD 84.3 billion which was an increase of 22% as compared to the previous year.
 8. In 2007, the main source of investment banking income was United States constituting 53% of the total revenue.
 9. The event which lead to the separation of the investment banking from the commercial banking was the Glass–Steagall Act, initially created in the wake of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 which prohibited banks from both accepting deposits and underwriting securities. This ultimately lead to the separation of these two type of banks.
10. The investment banking is experiencing a mushroom growth in private investments into public companies (PIPEs, also known as Regulation D or Regulation S)

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