मंगलवार, 28 जून 2011

Can India be a Sports Super Power?

Oh shit Saina lost, But she did well, Sania Ruled out of 1st round of wimbeldon, Paes-Bhupati also lost & Bopanna also lost, Aren't we very poor in Sports?A nation with 1.2 billion Population & in its population almost 60% are considered as young or youth has already astounded whole world by their charismatic growth in Economic or Financial Prospect’ or IT & Technologies, is slightly no more known as “The Land of Snakes & Hungers”  by westerns……….
As India is getting remarkable improvement in almost every sector; One question just struck my mind WHY INDIA IS NOT IN THE LIST OF OLYMPICS MEDAL CHART or IN ANY OTHER INTERNATIONAL SPORTS EVENT AS CHINA or AUSTRALIA, AFTER HAVING THE ENORMOUS HUMAN RESOURCES? Why can’t we build a World Class Football team from 1.2 Billion of population which can compete in FIFA World Cups? Can’t we produce world class Tennis Players or Athletes? Why aren’t we able to maintain the prestigious history of our National Game Hockey? And ultimately Can India be a Sports Super Power?
All the above questions are very common after observing India’s poor condition in sports. Except, Cricket its presence in any sports at International level is not up to the mark. In India, we have enormous aspiring talents for every sort of sports but there are certain hurdles which delimit them to flourish or some systematic drawbacks in our country cause full stop. We don’t have any specific system or structure which is sincerely paying their heed towards the up gradation of sports in our country. Government also seems quite indifferent. Countries like Australia, Germany, U.S.A. & China are quite aware of this fact & they have so many governmental institutions whichare working sportsmen’s merits & demerits.
                    Like those countries in India also proper system must be structured with efficient administrations & result oriented policies. Youngsters who are interested in sports should be encouraged by our system. Our players should be facilitated as well like the IITians & IIM students then only we can get more Saina Nehwal, Sachin Tendulkar, Vishwanathan Anand  & Paes-Bhupathi etc. It is naturally a process which will take some time but then the result of this will be very fruitful and the dream of Indians to be a Sports Super Power can be seemed possible with many more ICC WORLD CUPS & 103 Medals in CWG.
              From pen of my brother : - Manish Jha
     Edited, Translated & Published by: Ankit Jha

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