सोमवार, 6 जून 2011

A Talk to the Motherland

One of the most intellectually resourced country! leader in having "Unity in Diversity"! second largest populated nation and biggest democracy in world !
      Yes, I am introducing 'India' & so called Bharat Mata of Indians. First of all thanks India to come & bestow me a chance to some questions.
               LET'S START MADAM ..................
Me- What actually do you think about yourself?
India- (With grim mark on face) I have every thing but I have nothing, I can do anything but I can't, I pretend to world that I like peace, love & harmony but many a times I lack that, My some great sons had dreamed to recognize me as "World's Best" or " Vishva Guru " & for that purpose they worked hard.
                But as I have told you earlier, at present I am very disappointed & sorrowful also along with  being shameful.
Me- It has been projected and reported everywhere that India is developing and soon It will be amongst developed nations. How mush does truth lie in this fact?
India- Truth is known to every those Indians who are struggling to get the meal both terms & are hardly capable to survive. You are talking about development? I am hardly able to fulfill the basic requirements of my excess population. What so ever anybody asserts, I know that today also more than 35% to 40% persons are not getting enough nutrition, 15% to 20% children are not celebrating even their their 6th birthday & more than those are undernourished. I am a woman so I can feel the panic condition of women across the country.
After more than 60 years of freedom they are not able to enhance their status in society; Maternity death rate is exceeding the dangerous level, Female embryos are being killed .
                                                                                         Today also number of population are not able to get education. I am considered as  the " Country of Hungers & Criminals ". Do you think that these scenarios are the sign of developed nation? Just on the behalf of data or so called GDP growth rate or an economic survey a nation can't be said Developed.
      It requires fundamental & practical improvement in which I am far behind.
Me- According to you India didn't improve after independence?
India- No, No, absolutely not, It has improved but not up to the mark on which I should proud of.
Me- In your view, what actually are the basic challenges that you are facing & which have to be overcome?
India- Tough one, (thinking in a depth) really its difficult to answer not because they are few but what all to be mentioned in a brief answer, challenge to feed my 121crore peoples, challenge to provide them shelter who all are sleeping on footpaths, platforms etc., challenge to secure my population from terror attacks, challenge to vanish corruption which is spreading in bullet speed, challenge to destroy domination of any one gender on society, challenge to keep communal harmony & above all challenge to build productive human resource. These are some basic challenges except that many are remained which I can't make you count.
I- Do you feel that these challenges can ever be overcome?
India- (with a deep breath & with a cool smile) Yes, undoubtly yes if my young kids will realize that their motherland is in tremendous sorrow; sorrow of having children like them who are not conscious about the dignity & respect of their mother. When they will begin to think that each and every person of this country are children of one mother and it is their responsibilities to make her mother happy & prosperous. Because, I have no doubt on the potential of my sons. I have been waiting for many years to see a day when I can proud on myself.(having some emotions in eyes in the form of tears)
                         "Thanks, India to share your feeling with us about the scenario & situation in which you are."
                     "Well! I am overwhelmed. What should I speak? I absolutely have runout of words.
     After listening mother India & her view, one thing should certainly come in our rubbish mind."How big offenders we are actually?" Our mother is exploited by us. She wants sorry deserves a lot from us so please wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                                                            From the pen of my brother: - Manish Jha
             Edited by: - Ankit Jha "Mr.'A'"

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