सोमवार, 22 अक्तूबर 2012


The Chronic-les of Politics
-         Ankit Jha                                    
Posturing akimbo, akin the common man by R.K. Laxman, in front of the new cosmos of Politics.
“Media has mis interpreted my words, if you have any evidence then let’s leave it on Judiciary or I donot fear of investigation until I know I am free of guilt.” The viewers of Indian news channels & readers of National Dailies could not count on fingers that how many occasions they have spent going through these slogans ( so common) while doing the above mentioned stuff from the mouth of lately alleged politicians. India is a land of diversified culture, traits & traditions. We, the people of India, do have the tendency of giving birth to the fashion out of habits & culture out of fashion. We are the most serious clones of our traditions, take INC leaders standing infront of any allegations to National Son-in law. Politics is our biggest heritage left for us. Since ‘The epics of Mahabharata to the Shameful of Current Bharat’ if any word which has trotted in front of us or trotted ahead us has been of course is Politics. Politics, which is still swaying. The Ergophobiya of politicians, or more over Logophobiya of their minions which are the passed outs of India’s most reputated exams. What would be the suitable most title for these so called part of legislation of India or say ‘Neta’ the ‘Imperious’, the outré or the best ‘Obtruse’. I nicely remember ‘Counselor’ of my ward in Dist. Harda, she jinked to talk to me when I asked her to supplement the disaster management techniques well guided by the state government as one of the Article of Indian constitution (Directive Policy) allows her to do so. I continued my pester to her & finally directed the way to outside by her Acolytes.                                                                                                                                                                  “Bantadhar” is a word so common in Madhya Pradesh Politics. I feel, how many hours would “Ajay Singh ‘Rahul” the leader of Opposition in Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly, spent in chanting this very word, to throw on Government? Every politicians there must’ve used this word in their political career. ‘Kamalnath’, the Union Minister to Kailash Vijayvargiya the minister in M.P. govt. must have faced each other squibbed their bums by quoting that word. I would now like to unveil bit more tedious interests.                                                                                                                                                       Now  A days, I am brutally masticated between two power houses. I am none of the sycophants but when a person boasts of being so close to the local but nationally famed politicians of Uttar Pradesh & on the other side one is serious clone to the political giants of Bihar. What a gird around me? The ceaseless talks of their links, the monologues of their meeting & various astonishing prophecies of their to enter or not to enter their political realm even on their request. Huh! This is the worst chronic of politics that it entrenches its simple fellowship, even though its ignored by us. Let me mop up the mud-singed on politics, the gale’Khadee’ does not suit. If I get charged 124 (A) then, I do not have fame even to enter ‘Bigg Boss’. Any way one who is in simple touch to politics would try to condescend on the daunted like me, who even dislikes his M.L.A. for not being Benign to me in a debate competition. Politics is bit like a conduit through which flows the past, present & future of country, it also can chock tat conduit & spread the motile’s of epidemics  in society & say that ‘we are ready to be investigated’. Many a times, ‘ Posturing Akimbo, akin the Common man of R.K. Laxman in front of the new cosmos of Politics & hovered between the prelude & antiquity of politics….

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