बुधवार, 27 नवंबर 2013


The MANGO Revolution-I
                                - Ankit Jha

If I need to elect a thief, I would prefer a new one to the traditional, ask any intellectual in the capital these days, whom are they voting to, and you will get the same answer. One answer that simply indicates that circumstances are on the verge to conversion. It has been hardly a year and few months for the formation of this revolution turned Political Party and its effect in coming election is estimable. Unveiling its first and so called, well researched Manifesto of Arvind Kejriwal led Aam Aadmi Party for the upcoming Delhi Legislative Election, and Party has redefined the socialist and populist issues that always attracts the common men of India.
On the contrary of Greater Delhi dream of Congress and Well-structured Delhi of BJP, AAP has emphasised on the well-mannered, democratised and well organised Delhi. In its box of promises, AAP didn’t promise of any Tablet-Laptop or romanticised subsidy. It talked of its origin the same, Delhi Jan Lokpal Bill, Mohalla sabha and Citizen Force. Attending any political rally of AAP seems like attending the agitation of Anna Hazare or the Kavi sammelan or a debate competition. Wherever Kumar Vishwas, the poet turned politicians, he is asked to recite his famous lines ‘Koi Deewana Kehta Hai…’ remember the Jeet ki Goonj, the music concert organised by AAP at Jantar Mantar, this Saturday. They continuously claim other parties and politicians of being corrupt, thief and even con.

Their agenda is well defined but Kejriwal (Bhrashtachar ka ek hi kaal, Kejriwal Kejriwal.) wherever he goes, his anti-corruption slogans follows. He needs to come out and get forward of these all, he must talk of Security, inflation and sanitation in Capital but he doesn’t. Cast doesn’t play a big role in Delhi but community plays, his biggest challenge is not to bring new voters but to save his voters before they choose other wing. It doesn’t cross all classes, especially he is the hero of those migrated voters who have settled in Delhi, the unorganised business class and above all Lower middle class. Yes, it is new flow of politicians in the Indian politics but one thing that AAP needs to remember that who their antagonisms are? They are the king of the empire where they are trying to triumph. Till then remember a slogan “Paise pe Na Daaru pe, Mohar lage bas Jhaadu Pe.”

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