शुक्रवार, 10 अगस्त 2012

Defilade & the Death

Love Story of a Comrade……
- Ankit Jha
It was the midnight of a new moon, eyes couldn’t identify the hands in such dark. Above all, there was the infraction of clouds over the sky, the whole of Forest slept in a deep slumber. It rained earlier, so land was wet and muddy. A young boy, ran ripping through the woods, the silence of the forest was disturbed by the sound of bullets, and forest broke its nap. Again, infinite silence. Binding Maroon
Ribbon on forehead, olive green dress and a gun hanging on the shoulders, he was running the race of his life. He didn’t care about the scorpions and serpents under his leg. He was running, trapping in the creeps, colliding with twigs, the sting of the scorpions, everything is less painful than the pain of martyrdom. He doesn’t want to die of a Police Bullet. He can’t afford his death of a Government Bullet, such was his hate for the Government. Not a single ray of hope for him, till the 3rd phase of night. He has crossed miles running from his own hill, where his Sangham* was attacked by auxiliary police. He saw some mild light of Lamps from forest, tired and exhausted he followed the light. He entered the village. He is the same comrade who has killed dozens CRPF personnel in various combats. His legs began shivering, and finally he sprawled on the ground. He gathered consciousness within minutes and stood up, but exhaustion overpowered his wit. This time he fell before a door-post. There were infinite wounds on the shoulder because of abrasions with the creeps, several gashes of bullets, back was nothing short of a colander and endless stings on the toe. He laid there cataleptic. Ribbon didn’t mislay by a single millimetre, nor that sign of communism, “The Red Star”. It has gone more reddish.

“Have you ever thought how much damage are they causing to the nation? Ok, they will save the water, wood and land, but about the lives? Do lives have no value? Salwa Judum, was right, they deserve it because they caused it.” Abha passed the cup of tea to his father. She is enraged by the death of 3 security personnel in last night operation. No one could make a point, whether she was enraged or mourning. There’s a complete silence everywhere, in the house, in Pakhanjore, in Bastar, in Chhattisgarh, in India… There’s a series of silence. A silence which, is more powerful than the harshest of noises. Salwa Judum. Karma’s Karma. There’s a big debate on it, someone supports it on the ground of its origin, and many oppose it on the ground of its working. Abha is enraged by the fact that who has got the right to kill the other? Whereas Parikshit Ji believes that one needs to enter the fire to extinguish it, there’s no option of stepping back. Supporting and clashing are the parts of life.  This family of two differs from any other family in the world. They don’t agree with each other’s thoughts. The family of a father and daughter. Father is a suspended professor of Jadavpur University and Daughter has just passed her graduation in Political Science from University of Delhi, they both live at Sadabhat Village near PakhanjoreParikshit Ji and Abha share an all different relationship with each other, so near yet so far. As the dawn broke and birds started chirruping, the fragrance of Mahua filled the courtyard, Abha woke his father up. The pleasing slumber in the chilly morning is the hardest to leave, still Abha forced his father to leave the bed. They both came out of their veranda and followed to main gate yawning. Abha opened the gate, a man in the Olive dress was lying still. “A wounded Naxalite” whispered Abha, Parikshit I have her a grave feel.
                                                                     At times, humanity asks severe questions to the humans, specially to those who believe in humanism. “He is a Maoist” said Abha, “He is wounded” replied Parikshit ji. “Police men might be watching him, ” said Abha, “But death is already close to him” replied Parikshit ji. “They have killed humans, ” said Abha, “He is bleeding” replied Parikshit ji. “What if Security forces kill us?” Worried Abha, “What is he dies on our door-post?” Replied Prikshit ji. “What will his life give you” asked Abha, “What will he end give to you” replied Parikshit ji. The humans in the olive lied there, soaked in blood, his red ribbon on forehead lost its hold. Parikshit ji turned the body, they saw his face. “How can such innocent faces be so cruel?” whispered Abha. “Mankind are not cruel, intentions are, ” said his father. Blood fell from the wound, even the stings might have cleared the matter worse for him, and they both chose the man in. “What shall we make out with this man now?” The daughter then asked. “We will save his life” answered the father. “And how?” The daughter then asked. No solution in his disposal, the father stared at the human race in a pity. “Have him carry a rest for today, and wash the wounds by water, ” said the father and proceeded towards the kitchen to get water. Abha stood there, she kept staring at the man. “Even the death has the fear of the end, ” she remembered.
Wounds washed, fatigue relaxed, strings removed, the man escaped from his palm. Abha yelled in delight, her father ran towards her. His palm constantly trembled but eyes couldn’t open. They stood breathless, waiting. Silence, the unending silence. Water came out of his mouth, Abha shouted in terror. The man in olive green uniform sat in a fierce motion and threw up, suddenly he sprawled again. They both feared to their nerves, before he spread out his eyes. They seemed surprisingly at each other.  The man in an olive green dress couldn’t get his whereabouts, he kept staring. Parikshit ji said, “You are safe Comrade.” Abha, still panicked, asked “Who are you?” The man couldn’t answer anything.
The day turned humid as the sun struck the middle of the sky. The guest, the father and the daughter sat in the room, the guest is still silent. Parikshit ji consoled him to be alright. “They barge into the camps, ask for extortion, ask for entertainment, and beat us to death. No girl, no woman is spared to be entertainment, no man, no boy is spared for becoming victims of anger. They call themselves Purification Army, they call themselves Saviors, they call themselves Security Forces, and we are uncivilized. Uncivilized enough to be killed, uncivilized enough to be displaced,” Sobbed the man in olive green uniform. “What’s your name, comrade?” asked Parikshit ji. The guest gave him a confused glare, he didn’t utter anything. “3 of my best comrades were killed last night’s tussle, it was a deadly attack. No one ask them question that who has given them right to kill us?” continued the man in olive green dress. “I asked your name comrade” reminded Parikshit ji. “Comrade Rakesh” revealed the guest. “Can I please have something to eat, I am very hungry” requested Rakesh. Abha stood and marched towards kitchen.
She had a mobile phone in her hand, Rakesh rushed towards her and snatched the phone. “No one will use this till I am here, got it.” Abha tried to get it back but in vain and Rakesh broke the phone in pieces. “Just follow what I tell, don’t put your view.” Warned Rakesh. “This is why we call you beasts, is this the way anyone behave with his hosts?” sparked Abha and came back. “Now go to hell, and ask your Marx* for food.”  Parikshit ji stood up and went inside his room. “Abha, go and arrange some food for Marx, he might not do that all alone, and it has been ages for him now.” Mocked the father. Abha and Rakesh stood facing each other, she was fuming. He came back to sit, “You must die in an encounter, you deserve that,” She shouted. “No, I deserve the same status that you do have in the society.” Replied Rakesh. “He went to cover your bullshit and never came back, you people killed him labelling him a police informer. My brother, he was not an informer, he was just an intern, my mother, she didn’t refuse to give your commander shelter, she told him to stay for a while so that she can clean the house and your commander shot her. What revolution has my mother and brother’s demise bring? I don’t see any. I can call police now and inform them about your stay, but I can’t because my father tells, humans are not bad, intentions are.” Abha broke in tears. Her father came out of his room to keep her calm, but she cried her heart out. “Maoism has taken a lot from us, except of the hopes. Even I was leaned towards it, before it shook our lives,” Said Parikshit ji. He kept quiet, staring at Abha, who was crying. “Why don’t you people understand that we don’t like you, we just have a fear, the fear of Jantana Adaalat, we don’t want to imagine how painful our death will be, just like my son’s death. He was stoned to death.” Even his eyes went humid. 
“So you are a Maoist?” asked Abha. “I thought you are a human.” “Aren’t the Maoists, humans?” asked Rakesh. “No, one who can kill innocents, I don’t call them warriors. The armed struggle against state can only be called treason. You have stolen the dreams of innocents, it is you who have created the difference.” Replied Abha. “No, we have not created the differences, we are the one who became the victims of differences. Wouldn’t you like to know what this struggle is all about?” asked Rakesh. “I know enough about it, but I am not a sympathizer. It is a delegated struggle, troops have been created to fight, so that several on the ranks can enjoy their ideological struggle. Even Marx would have hated the way Left Wing Extremism has created the internal chaos in the society.” Said Abha. “Agree, but aren’t you seeing everything from one perspective, which is better known as the popular view. Try to see in Insider’s view” replied Rakesh. “You are lying Comrade! You know that you have killed the innocents for nothing, you aim to have a government, and you want to rule, by your methods, on your means. Your struggle is for an Anarchy. You tell me, how much do you know about communism and Marxism, why did you chose to be one of them?” Taunted Abha. Rakesh was silent. “I was one of them, from the day I got to see the world. I don’t remember anything in my life before my association with Sangham. Today I am ready to die for my struggle and I can kill anyone for the cause. You know how horrible the Salwa Judum has turned out to be, villages have been evacuated, and families are forced to live in camps, the camps where they have no social security, no jobs, no food, and no safety. Around 0.1 million people in Bastar live in these camps. Being Neutral I will say that, they are the biggest victims, not those who died in Gyaneshwari Express incident* or any other event. Even I am a child of tribe, and tribes have been displaced from their native places, around 1200 villages in Bastar are full of tribal population, their neutral behavior towards the matter has been their biggest crime.” Said Rakesh. “And, what about the Naxal atrocities on tribal population?” asked Paikshit ji from his room. “You call that Atrocity, we call that trust. We fight for them, in return we seek for the support. What more do we ask for, just trust. Nothing more. It is their struggle, we fight together. We don’t have differences, we speak their language, we address them the way they are, we go to ask their happiness and sorrows, we remain awake so that they can sleep fearlessly, we put salve on their wounds. What do we ask in the return? Comrades,” thundered Rakesh. “You are the one who collect the extortion money, you are the one who brainwash them against the government, you are the one who don’t let the development reach to them, you are the one who have created such situations, you are the one who lie, you are the one who manipulate, you are the one who kill, you are the one who blackmail, you are the one who made innocent humans your comrades, you are the one who leave innocent tribes to die in the battlefield, you are the one who grasped the society and culture of tribes and blamed it on the government. Don’t we know that Sanghams don’t take the tea, they live on Black Tea and always roam when your brain sits in the deluxe rooms criticizing government moves? It is not just about murders, it is about brutality, treason and conspiracy against the state. It is about backstabbing own peoples.” Replied Abha. Rakesh was silent again, left nothing to utter, he stood up in fierce motion. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door, everyone gets startled by the knock. “Professor Saheb! Ghar pe hain kya aap? (Are you at home, Professor?)”  Asked a male voice. Parikshit ji signaled Abha to hide Rakesh somewhere in the house. He went to open the door, it was Constable Naamte. “We are searching for a Maoist, has he come here?” asked Naamte. “Naamte Sahab! You know I just criticize government, it doesn’t mean I will give shelter to a Maoist in my house” said Parikshit ji. “No one other than you have courage to hide a Maoist in his house, it’s alright if he hasn’t come here but take care. He is a dangerous one, murderer of dozens of security personnel.” Said Constable and left. Abha heard everything, “why did you do this? Who is he? Better he die in the police encounter” said Abha. “Thanks Professor” said Rakesh.

It has been more than a week for Rakesh in defilade at Professor’s house. Most of these times have been spent in the debates, Abha has not found any reason to keep a sympathy and Rakesh is overwhelmed by the host’s hospitality and their care for him. Professor has been informed that there’s heavy Police Patrolling in whole area. In these 7 days, Rakesh has become a part of Professor’s family. He told Abha that his real name was Chandan, he has never gone to school, and the only thing he learnt was the communist philosophy in the Sangham Classes. He knows that modern communism is rather Leninist than Marxist. It was raining for the evening, Abha and Rakesh were still talking, that History has never been easy for those who can’t face the truth, and various ex-army officers help in the training and structuring the combats. Almost 80% of the weapons and armatures are manufactured, 5% purchased and 15% looted. He used to tell her how they plan the combats and kill the personnel, how they attack camps, collect extortion money. He told her that almost eight thousand cadres are in uniform and the annual budget of the Party is approximately 12 Crores. The main target of the army are the class enemies.
Rakesh promised that he will bring a new phone for her, had he ever come back alive. Abha put her palm on his mouth, “death is the harshest reality, do never think of it. There’s no life after this.” “I have never feared death, even at the time when I was surrounded by the security forces last year, I fought back and killed half a dozen personnel in retaliation. After that I evacuated almost 50 of my comrades safely from that area.” Took pride Rakesh. Abha looked impressed. “Comrade Fagu Ram#, his love story, his tragic death and his incomplete wishes.” Said Rakesh and showed Abha some photographs. Both of them started seeing photographs. It was still raining, cold breeze filled their breath till they went in their dreamland. Mercy has no ideology, help doesn’t have any religion and shelter doesn’t have any payback. They came to know that Police has taken their patrolling back and I was easy to enter the village and cross the Maharashtra border. He decided to leave, there can’t be better time than this. 7 days in the defilade, Comrade Rakesh is all different man now, he could reason the ongoing events, which was dangerous. Defiance and defilade has made Rakesh think of a life, which is against the Naxal ideology of violence. It was his time to tell Professor and his daughter a final good bye. Abha insisted him to stay with them, Professor gave his nod too, but Rakesh refused on the ground that he has to stand for his ideology and duty. He left their house and sprinted towards the Forest, within minutes he came back running. It was a conspiracy, well planned by the police to capture him. He didn’t enter the house, he ran instead. Abha chased him. He ran furiously, Abha was chasing her, Police personnel were behind them. Rakesh turned back, he saw Abha running behind him. He stopped there, asked her to go back, just then, the bullet penetrated Abha’s belly. Rakesh couldn’t understand anything, he didn’t have his gun with him. He couldn’t shot back, she lost her consciousness and fell in his arms. Rakesh held Abha in his arms. He was surrounded by the police force within minutes.  “Even I thought how Ganpathy (A Zonal Committee Member) can inform us wrong?” said an officer. “Did Comrade Ganpathy inform you about us?” asked Rakesh. “Any doubt comrade? He asked us to bring you in front of him and then kill you. It is not possible now. What did you think that you by killing several police personnel be made Zonal Commander? You are a mere tribal beetle, you are born to die. So be it.” said the officer and shot on his head. He was shot dead there along with innocent Abha, who was later blamed to be a sympathizer and informer. Professor was arrested on the ground that he provided shelter to the Maoists. Maoists kill Maoists, no ideology is pure today. The tragic death of Comrade Rakesh and Abha raised several questions but the biggest question was on the Maoism. How can a social struggle be manipulated into the blind race of power.

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