गुरुवार, 8 सितंबर 2011

India Ranks

1st in the production of milk and milk products

1st producing about 3000kgs per hectare yield of wheat, surpassing U.S.A

1st in cellphone usage 

1st in postal network

2nd in population

2nd in world's coconut production - the first being Philippines

2nd being the biggest producer of silk - first being China

2nd in Tobacco production - the first being U.S.A

2nd being the largest producer of rice and cotton yarn

3rd being the largest producer of Castor in the world 

4th place in cotton production

5th in egg production

7th with regard to area in the world

8th in fish catching, while Japan leads the world

17th among countries of the world in shipping tonnage
More than half of world's tea comes from India alone

More than 
half of the groundnut area and production is from India alone

More than 
1/3rd of the worlds sugarcane area is in India

India has 
1/6th of the world population of sheep

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