रविवार, 11 सितंबर 2011

Heads of Important Offices (World)

Ban Ki-moon : Secretary-General, United Nations Organisation.
Ms. Asha-Rose Migiro : First Deputy Secretary-General, UN.
Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha: Military Adviser to UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations.
Robert Zoellick : President, World Bank.
Dominic Strauss-Kahn: Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Irina Bokova: Director-General-UNESCO.
Dr. Margaret Chan: Director-General, WHO.
Jacques Diouf: Director-General, Food and Agricultural Organisation.
Juan Somavia : Director-General, International Labour Organisation.
Anthony Lake : Executive Director, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).
Antonio Guterres : UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Helen Clark : Administrator, United Nations Development Programme.
Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi : Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Angel Gurria : Secretary-General, Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Ms. Rosalyn Higgins: President, International Court of Justice.
Haruhiko Kuroda: President, Asian Development Bank.
Donald Kaberuka : President, African Development Bank.
Jacques Rogge: President, International Olympic Committee.
Kamalesh Sharma: Secretary-General, Commonwealth.
Harshvardhana Singh: Deputy Director-General, WTO.
Bingu Wa Mutharika : Chairman, African Union.
Pascal Lamy : Director-General, WTO.
Ms. Navanethan Pillay : High Commissioner, UN High Commission for Human Rights.
Jerzy Buzek : President, European Union
Sharad Pawar: President, International Cricket Council.
Hosni Mubarak: Secretary-General, Non-Aligned Movement.
Jose Manuel Durao Barroso: President, European Commission.
Kandeh K. Yumkella : Director-General, UNIDO.
Abdul-Rahman bin Hamad Al-Attiyah: Secretary-General, Gulf Co-operation Council.
Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu : Secretary-General, Organisation of Islamic Conference.
Abdallah Salem el-Badri: Secretary-General, Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Jose Miguel Insulza Salinas: Secretary-General, Organisation of American States.
Hifikepunye Pohamba : President, South-West African People's Organisation (SWAPO).
Mr. Yukiya Amano : Director- General, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Anders Fogh Rasmussen : Secretary-General, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).
Dr. Abdul Waheed Khan: Director, Commonwealth of Learning.
Hashim Abdul Halim : Chairman, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
Ms. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid : Executive Director, UNFPA.
Dr. Surin Pitsuwan : Secretary-General, ASEAN.
Q. A. M. A. Rahim : Secretary-General, SAARC
Lamine Diack : President, International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF).
Michael Griffin : Chief of NASA (USA).
Salil Shetty: Secretary-General, Amnesty International.

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