शुक्रवार, 23 सितंबर 2011

causes of food inflation

Q: The Central Government claims that food prices are rising in India due to higher GDP growth reflecting increasing purchasing power of the people and growing economic prosperity. Is this true? 

A: Food demand in an economy like ours naturally grows over time. In order to keep pace with population growth, food production also needs to grow. However, in India, food production and availability have not grown commensurately. In 2008-09, annual per capita cereal availability in India was only around 165 kg, which was that of the same level as in 2000-01. In contrast, per capita cereal availability in China was over 290 kg in 2008-09, and in the US it was over 1000 kg. Moreover, per capita cereal availability in India fell to 161 kg in 2009-10, despite high GDP growth. Therefore food consumption for the entire population is certainly not witnessing any rise.

What is happening is that income and consumption growth is getting disproportionately concentrated within the top 10 to 15% of the population, who are benefiting from GDP growth. For the bulk of the Indian people, consumption levels are getting further squeezed. If 77% of the Indian population is spending less than Rs. 20 per head a day as per the Arjun Sengupta Commission report, one can well imagine what the consumption levels of the majority of Indians are.

Widespread hunger and malnutrition is the reality of India. India continues to be home to around 25% of the world’s hungry population currently estimated at 925 million by the UN World Food Programme. Nearly half of India’s children under three years of age continue to remain malnourished, as per the National Family Health Survey, alongside half of pregnant mothers who are anaemic. Food price inflation is making matters worse for these sections by squeezing their consumption levels.

Q: What are the main reasons underlying food inflation in India? 

A: There are four main reasons. The immediate reason for the spurt in the prices of specific food items, like onions today or earlier in the case of sugar and pulses, is hoarding. Trader cartels, encouraged by an inept Government, are mainly responsible for this. Assured of inaction, hoarders are creating artificial shortages and fleecing people from time to time.

Secondly, the growing penetration of big corporates in the food economy, international trade in food items and speculative futures trading in agricultural commodities has weakened the government’s capacity to control food prices. The share of corporate retail in food distribution has tripled over the past four years. The Government has manipulated trade policies to allow big traders to make huge profits through export and import of essential food items like wheat, sugar and onions. On the other hand, the PDS has been weakened considerably through targeting. In most states, the role of the ration shops, state agencies like the NAFED etc. and consumer cooperatives in food distribution, has been whittled down. Therefore, the profit margins of private traders have also increased, reflected in growing gaps between wholesale and retail prices as well as farmgate and wholesale prices.

There are medium and long-term reasons too. Our agriculture is in a crisis. We are not producing enough to meet the needs of a growing population. The peasantry continues to be in distress, with 2.5 lakh farmers committing suicide over the past 15 years. State intervention in raising agricultural productivity has been weakened. The Government is more interested in handing over this role to big agribusinesses and retail giants like Walmart and Monsanto in the name of a ‘second green revolution’. That will further marginalize the small peasants.

Finally, the cuts in subsidies and price hikes of inputs like diesel and fertiliser are also contributing to food inflation. The deregulation of petrol prices has led to very steep hikes in the recent weeks.

Q: The Government claims that oil companies are making losses by selling fuel at subsidised prices. What is the option but for raising prices?

A: The so-called ‘under-recoveries’ of oil companies cited by the Government are notional losses. In actual terms the oil companies are not making such losses. The international crude oil price is currently ranging between 85 to 90 dollars per barrel, which comes to around Rs. 25 per litre (1 barrel = 159 litres and 1 dollar = 45 rupees; note that international crude prices have recently risen over 100 dollars per barrel following the political crisis in Middle East). However, the retail price of petroleum ranges between Rs. 58 to Rs. 63 per litre in the metro cities. This huge difference between crude oil prices and the retail price of petrol is on account of taxes, over Rs. 30 per litre of which is collected by the Central Government through customs and excise duties. If we take these taxes into account, the Government earns much more in taxes on petrol and diesel than it spends on fuel subsidies. If the Government cuts these indirect taxes, the fuel prices would not rise.

The Government does not want to cut these taxes, because otherwise it has to impose more direct taxes on the rich and the corporates. Therefore the Government is passing the burden on to the people. After petrol prices were deregulated in June 2010, petrol prices have been raised 7 times by the oil companies, the last time being in January 2011, amounting to an increase over Rs. 10 per litre in 7 months. Increase in fuel prices have been adding to inflationary pressures.

Q: What should the Government do to control food inflation?

A: The present steps being undertaken by the Government are inadequate. What we need is a long-term strategy to fight inflation. The first step should be to strengthen state intervention in the food economy, both in food distribution and production.

The Government is dithering on the Food Security legislation. The Food Security Act should be passed without further delay, which must ensure universal food security. The Government is currently holding stocks of nearly 50 million tonnes of rice and wheat, which is way above the buffer norms. 35 kgs of foodgrains per month should be supplied through a universalized PDS at Rs. 2 per kg and not limited to the arbitrarily determined BPL families. Moreover, other essential commodities like sugar, pulses and edible oils should be supplied at fixed rates across the country through the PDS. 

The Government has been sitting on the recommendations of the National Farmers’ Commission for the past five years. The Farmers’ Commission had made several suggestions to make farming remunerative for the peasantry and step up public investment in agriculture, as well as agricultural storage and marketing. Besides supporting farmers, Government agencies, cooperatives and self-help groups should be supported to open more outlets to sell food items like vegetables, milk etc. Raising agricultural productivity and modernisation of storage and marketing of agricultural products cannot be left to the private corporates and MNCs. Inflation cannot be controlled with liberalized trade and private profiteering in food items.

The influence of private corporates and traders in the food economy needs to be curbed. For this it is essential for the Central Government to take the State Governments on board and coordinate measures against hoarding and black-marketing. In this regard, it is also important to prohibit commodity futures trading in food articles, because such trading facilitates speculation on food prices.

Finally, the costs of agricultural inputs like fuel and fertilisers have to be controlled by the Government. Deregulation of fuel and fertiliser prices will raise agricultural costs and contribute to food inflation. The Government must continue to subsidise fuel and fertiliser and rationalize the taxes on petroleum products. The decision to deregulate petrol prices need to be reversed.

Q: How does futures trading contribute to inflation? Why should it be prohibited? 

A: Futures trading is linked to inflationary expectations in the economy. Futures are contracts made between sellers and buyers for sale/purchase of a fixed quantity of a commodity at a fixed price at a future date. What commodity futures markets do is to enable selling and buying of these contracts on a daily basis, like in the stock market.

So, a future contracts of say 10 kg of sugar to be delivered in May 2011 at Rs. 30 per kg, can sell at more or less than Rs. 30 per kg in January 2011. Someone, for example, buys the contract at Rs. 29 per kg today, because sugar prices are expected to fall in the coming months. However, in the coming months international sugar prices can rise, may be because the sugar crop from, say Brazil, fails this year. Then demand for sugar contracts in Indian futures market will also rise and the person who bought sugar at Rs. 29 per kg can sell it in March 2011 at, say Rs. 35 per kg, making a windfall profit of Rs.6 per kg without having to either produce or consume a single grain of sugar. Moreover, when sugar prices rise in the futures market in India, sugar traders expect to make profits (a) by exporting sugar abroad (b) by hoarding sugar so that there is scarcity in the domestic market, which eventually increases domestic sugar prices.   

The commodity futures markets therefore achieve two things. First, they link domestic food prices to the volatile international commodity markets. Second, they provide avenues for pure speculators, who have nothing to do either with production or trade in food, to emerge as major players and make capital gains by speculating on food prices.

With the advent of multi-commodity exchanges in India since 2002-03 and the commencement of online trading, commodity futures trading have grown manifold. Like most countries across the world, the people who are investing in these markets are not farmers, but big players of the financial markets who are only interested in making speculative gains. The Government was forced to suspend futures trading in some essential commodities like rice, wheat, sugar and some pulses in 2007 due to the pressure from the Left Parties. However, futures trading in wheat and sugar have once again been allowed by the Government.

India is a food deficient country. Our productivity levels are low and we are not producing enough to meet the demands of a growing population. Moreover, our agricultural production is heavily dependent on the weather and above or below normal rainfall (floods and drought), significantly affects the supply of agricultural commodities. Storage capacity in India is also limited and many food items cannot be stored because of lack of modern storage facilities. In this backdrop, futures trading in food items distort the price signals and encourage speculation and hoarding, thus contributing to food inflation. Therefore, in order to control food inflation, futures trading in food articles need to be prohibited. 

 Food inflation eases to 9.47% on September 15, 2011  
 New Delhi, September 15, 2011 (PTI): Food inflation declined marginally but was still high at 9.47 percent for the week ended September 3, with prices of all items, barring pulses and wheat, rising on an annual basis. Food inflation, as measured on the basis of the Wholesale Price Index (WPI), stood at 9.55 percent in the previous week. The rate of price
rise of food items was 15.16 percent in the corresponding week of 2010.
  As per data released by the government Thursday, prices of pulses fell by 2.45 percent year-on-year, while wheat became cheaper by 2.03 percent during the week ended September 3. However, other food items became more expensive during the week under review.
  Onions grew dearer by 42.98 percent on an annual basis, while potato prices were up 21.16 percent. Furthermore, fruits became 22.64 percent more expensive during the week ended September 3 and overall, prices of vegetables shot up by 17.47 percent. In addition, milk became 10.02 percent costlier, while the rates for cereals were up by 5.02 percent during the seven-day period under review.
  The fall in food inflation could be attributed to a moderation in the rate of price rise of some of the items on a week-on-week basis, even though they remained higher on an annual basis. The decline could also be attributed to the high inflation of over 15 percent in the corresponding year-ago period, a phenomenon dubbed the 'high base effect' in economic parlance. Overall, inflation in primary articles was recorded at 13.04 percent during the week ended September 3, down from 13.34 percent in the previous week. Primary articles account for over 20 percent of WPI inflation. 

गुरुवार, 22 सितंबर 2011

letter ratings meaning

What do the letter ratings mean?The general meaning of our credit rating opinions is summarized below. 
‘AAA’—Extremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments. Highest Rating.
‘AA’—Very strong capacity to meet financial commitments.
‘A’—Strong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to adverse economic conditions and changes in circumstances.
‘BBB’—Adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions.
‘BBB-‘—Considered lowest investment grade by market participants.
‘BB+’—Considered highest speculative grade by market participants.
‘BB’—Less vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions. 
‘B’—More vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments. 
‘CCC’—Currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments.
‘CC’—Currently highly vulnerable.
‘C’—Currently highly vulnerable obligations and other defined circumstances.
‘D’—Payment default on financial commitments.
Note: Ratings from ‘AA’ to ‘CCC’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.

रविवार, 18 सितंबर 2011

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