बुधवार, 13 फ़रवरी 2013


The Aftermaths of Hanging
                                                                                                - Ankit Jha
Was the hanging of a treacherous so unfortunate that experienced a country-wide criticism? if his master plan didn't include any provision of a last meet with family, why must government have provided him that?

What does a weekend mean to anyone? A lazy morning & then a yawning afternoon but last saturday was not one of those, it witnessed  one of India's most influential verdict (in my view) in 21st century, to tread on the verdict of supreme court of India& the rejection of Mercy plea by President of India. An ice cool saturday turned out to be a Tandoor hot saturday when the treacherous Terrorist, Mastermind of 13/12 Parliament Attack of 2001, was hanged till death & buried in Tihar Jail of Capital. This whole process was performed so calmly & secretly that even didn't emanate to many of the government ministers.
                                      This act of 'Tit for Tat' is becoming so polemical that it seems like not a terrorist but one of a devout or patriot has been hanged. A holy just for the Parliament attack martyrs is turning out to  be opprobrium for government. There are few questions that the government has been left to answer;
The very first one of those is that why did government not inform the family of Afzal Guru for the adieu meet at least?
The secret act of government is being criticised all around. Home Ministry led by Mr. Sushil Kumar Shinde is still silent & delivering only clue taht they posted a letter via Speed Post(Which reached 2 days after the he was stung). Let me ask to those who are raising this question- Was the hanging of a treacherous so unfortunate that experienced a country-wide criticism? if his master plan didn't include any provision of a last meet with family, why must government have provided him that? Is the Human Right of a terrorist more precious than the justice to the martyrs who lost their lives in the security of Sacristy of Indian Democracy? These strayed minded Human Roght Activists must take care of a simple difference between the humans & the monsters.
The very next question is of the timing of hanging, why was Kasab, the only arrested terrorist of 26/11 Mumbai Attack, hanged just before winter session in the month of November & Afzal Guru has been hanged a week few days before the Budget Session scheduled to kick-off in February? Isn't this a politics of hanging? or is this wedges on the wellworns? This question must be left unanswered as it doesn't include any big debate as 2014 shall answer it. 
Third & most crucial question is of the sensitisation of the verdict; 9, the time when Afzal Guru was hanged till death in the Tihar jail(after 24 long years in this jail) of Delhi, & Curfew was called in Kashmir Valley. Many parts including Spore, the paternal place of accused, witnessed some disturbances. This is socially & legally crime to abuse or critique any religion but my question is on the sensitiveness of this issue. The malaise among the groups is unveiling nothing but vie to achieve nothing. That old tedious fight of getting independent from independence. What will a hanging change in the nation? What has gone so wrong that JKLF chief needed to sit adjacent the head of another Terror group? Every question arises many more?
It leaves me with nothing but the fury of aftermath of any act in this unfortunate country. Although not mentally but politically Kashmir is a part ofIndia * will be untill we are not going to leave it.......
Jai Hind... 

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