गुरुवार, 6 अक्टूबर 2011

FDI in diff. sectors & its prohibition

FDI is prohibited in the following activities/sectors:
(a) Retail Trading (except single brand product retailing)
(b) Lottery Business including Government /private lottery, online lotteries,etc.
(c) Gambling and Betting including casinos etc.
(d) Business of chit fund
(e) Nidhi company
(f) Trading in Transferable Development Rights (TDRs)
(g) Real Estate Business or Construction of Farm Houses
(h) Manufacturing of Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco
(i) Activities / sectors not opened to private sector investment including Atomic Energy
and Railway Transport (other than Mass Rapid Transport Systems).
Besides foreign investment in any form, foreign technology collaboration in any form
including licensing for franchise, trademark, brand name, management contract is also
completely prohibited for Lottery Business and Gambling and Betting activities.
In the following sectors/activities, FDI up to the limit indicated against each sector/activity is
allowed/permitted subject to other conditions indicated & security conditions where applicable.
In sectors/activities not listed below, FDI is permitted upto 100% on the automatic route, subject
to applicable laws/sectoral rules/regulations/security conditions.
 Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
a) Floriculture, Horticulture, and               100% Automatic
Cultivation of Vegetables &
Mushrooms under controlled
b) Development and production of
Seeds and planting material;
c) Animal Husbandry (including of
breeding of dogs), Pisciculture,
Aquaculture under controlled
conditions; and
d) services related to agro and allied
Note: Besides the above, FDI is not allowed in any other agricultural  sector/activity
 Tea Plantation Tea sector including tea plantations   100% Government

Note: Besides the above, FDI is not allowed in any other plantation Other conditions:
(i) Compulsory divestment of 26% equity of the company in favour of an
Indian partner/Indian public within a period of 5 years
(ii) Prior approval of the State Government concerned in case of any
future land use change.

Mining and Exploration of metal and non-metal ores including diamond,             100% Automatic
gold, silver and precious ores but excluding titanium bearing minerals
and its ores; subject to the Mines and Minerals( Development &
Regulation) Act, 1957
Coal and Lignite                                                                     100% Automatic

 Mining and mineral separation of                                        100% Government
titanium bearing minerals and
ores, its value addition and
integrated activities

 Manufacture of items reserved for
production in Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs)
 FDI in MSEs will be subject to the sectoral caps, entry routes and other
relevant sectoral regulations. Any industrial undertaking which is not a
Micro or Small Scale Enterprise, but manufactures items reserved for the
MSE sector would require Government route where foreign investment is
more than 24% in the capital. Such an undertaking would also require an
Industrial License under the Industries (Development & Regulation) Act
1951, for such manufacture. The issue of Industrial License is subject to a few
general conditions and the specific condition that the Industrial Undertaking
shall undertake to export a minimum of 50% of the new or additional annual
production of the MSE reserved items to be achieved within a maximum
period of three years. The export obligation would be applicable from the date
of commencement of commercial production and in accordance with the
provisions of section 11 of the Industries (Development & Regulation) Act
 DEFENCE                                                                             26% Government
Electric Generation, Transmission,                                          100% Automatic
 Distribution and Trading
Civil Aviation Sector
1. Airports
(a) Greenfield projects                                                                                                      100% Automatic (b) Existing projects                                                                                                          100% Automatic up to 74%         Government    route beyond74%
2 Air Transport Services
(a) Air Transport Services would include Domestic Scheduled Passenger
Airlines; Non-Scheduled Air Transport Services, helicopter and
seaplane services.
(b) No foreign airlines would be allowed to participate directly or indirectly
in the equity of an Air Transport Undertaking engaged in operating
Scheduled and Non-Scheduled Air Transport Services except Cargo
(c) Foreign airlines are allowed to participate in the equity of companies
operating Cargo airlines, helicopter and seaplane services.
(1) Scheduled Air Transport Service/                                                              49% FDI(100% for NRIs) Automatic
Domestic Scheduled Passenger
 (2) Non-Scheduled Air Transport                      74% FDI(100% for NRIs)Automatic upto 49%Government route                             
                                                                               49% and up to74%

 (3) Helicopter services/seaplane                          100% Automatic
services requiring DGCA approval
 Banking –Private sector
 Banking –Private sector 74% including investment by FIIs  Automatic up to 49% Government route beyond
49% and up to 74%
Banking- Public Sector
 Banking- Public Sector subject to Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Acts1970/80. This ceiling (20%) is also20% (FDI and Portfolio Investment)Government applicable to the State Bank of India
and its associate Banks.
 Terrestrial Broadcasting FM (FMRadio) subject to such terms and conditions as specified from time to time by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for grant of permission for setting up of FM Radio Stations                   20% (FDI, NRI & PIO investments and portfolio investment)  Government
Cable Network subject to Cable Television Network Rules, 1994 and other conditions as specified from
time to time by Ministry of  Information and Broadcasting
49% (FDI, NRI &PIO investments and portfolioinvestment)  Government
 Direct –to-Home subject to such guidelines/terms and conditions as specified from time to time by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting     49% (FDI, NRI & PIO investments andportfolio investment) Government
Policy for FDI in Commodity Exchange
49% (FDI & FII) [Investment by Registered FII under Portfolio Investment  Scheme (PIS) will be limited to 23% and Investment under FDI Scheme limited to 26% ] Government Other conditions:
(i) FII purchases shall be restricted to secondary market only and
(ii) No non-resident investor/ entity, including persons acting in
concert, will hold more than 5% of the equity in these
 Insurance                                                26% Automatic

Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC)
 Foreign investment in NBFC is allowed under the automatic route in          100% Automatic
only the following activities:
(i) Merchant Banking
(ii) Under Writing
(iii) Portfolio Management
(iv)Investment Advisory Services
(v) Financial Consultancy
(vi)Stock Broking
(vii) Asset Management
(viii) Venture Capital
(ix) Custodian Services
(x) Factoring
(xi) Credit Rating Agencies
(xii) Leasing & Finance
(xiii) Housing Finance
(xiv) Forex Broking
(xv) Credit Card Business
(xvi) Money Changing Business
(xvii) Micro Credit
(xviii) Rural Credit
 Petroleum & Natural Gas Sector                                    100% Automatic
Print Media
 Publishing of Newspaper and periodicals dealing with news and  current affairs
26% (FDI and investment by NRIs/PIOs/FII)  Government
 Publication of Indian editions of foreign magazines dealing with news  and current affairs
26% (FDI and investment by NRIs/PIOs/FII)   Government
 Publication of facsimile edition of foreign newspapers  100% Government
 Satellites – Establishment and operation
 Satellites – Establishment and operation, subject to the sectoral guidelines of Department of  Space/ISRO
74% Government
 (i) Telecom services 74% Automatic up to 49% Government route beyond 49% and up to 74%
 (i) Cash & Carry Wholesale Trading/ Wholesale Trading (including sourcing from MSEs)
100% Automatic
 Definition: Cash & Carry Wholesale trading/Wholesale trading, would mean sale of goods/merchandise to retailers, industrial, commercial, institutional or other professional business users or to other wholesalers and related subordinated service providers. Wholesale trading would, accordingly, be sales for the purpose of trade, business and profession, as opposed to sales for the purpose of personal consumption. The yardstick to determine whether the sale is wholesale or not would be the type of customers to whom the sale is made and not the size and volume of sales. Wholesale trading would include resale, processing and thereafter sale, bulk imports with ex-port/ex-bonded warehouse business sales and B2B e-Commerce.
E-commerce activities             100% Automatic
 E-commerce activities refer to the activity of buying and selling by a company through the e-commerce platform. Such companies would engage only in  Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce and not in retail trading, inter-alia
implying that existing restrictions on FDI in domestic trading would be
applicable to e-commerce as well.
 Single Brand product trading                                  51% Government
Courier services for carrying packages, parcels and other items which do
not come within the ambit of the Indian Post Office Act, 1898.
100% FDI is allowed under the Government route.

1 टिप्पणी:

mohit ने कहा…

real knowlege sir thanks lot of you